Golden embroidery is a very specific type of embroidery achieved with golden thread. There are two sorts of golden thread: yellow and white gold. Golden embroidery in Croatia became very popular during 19th century, specifically in the region of Slavonia, and it was a token of prestige and wealth, embodied on dresses and shirts. Before it went “village popular”, golden embroidery was reserved for royalty of wealthy European cities.
In the beginning, grandmas used to teach their granddaughters various techniques, and other the 70’s, it was even taught in schools. After 90s, local workshops became active in order of preservation this old trade.
Jako vas je puno koji nas volite i koji svakodnevno uživate u našoj seriji, a Ivana Cvitković je otišla korak dalje i za svakog je glumca naše serije izradila poseban #zlatovez i drveno postolje za bočice ‘Koje kapi’! 😉 Ivanu smo iznenadili i odveli na naš set, a uskoro vam donosimo kako je sve proteklo! 💞👍
380 Likes, 2 Comments – Drugo ime ljubavi (@drugoime.ljubavi) on Instagram: “Jako vas je puno koji nas volite i koji svakodnevno uživate u našoj seriji, a Ivana Cvitković je…”
How it is done?
Basically, the whole point is to place a thin cardboard with wanted pattern to a piece of cloth or clothes, and you have to thread over it in order to copmpletely seal it with gold. Additionally, beads or other various decorations were added to seal the eventual blanks in embroidery.
There are three main techniques:
Golden weaving, which means that golden thread is heaven into the cloth with weaving machine, or by hand (very much alike the basic embroidery).
Second one is embroided all over the pattern which means that both sides are covered in gold, which also means double expense of the thread. But the plus side is this kind of golden embroidery can be washed sometimes.
Buket, 28x 28cm.#zlatovez #rucnirad #baština #goldenwork #embrodery #narodna nošnja #tradicion
33 Likes, 1 Comments – Jasminka Luketić Domitrović (@jasminka_zlatovez) on Instagram: “Buket, 28x 28cm.#zlatovez #rucnirad #baština #goldenwork #embrodery #narodna nošnja #tradicion”
Third one is done with 2 threads, one golden which goes over the paper on top, and above there is normal thread which captivates the golden below.
Have you ever tried it?