
The Tree Of Languages: How Slavs are connected between each-other and their position with other groups

Story of human kind told through language info-graphic

wilhei (CC0), Pixabay

Tree of Languages is one of the best info-graphics ever, it basically can tell you the history of human kind itself. It is like a Facebook time-line of events that happened to us as people. By inspecting and researching birth of our languages we learn about our origins, our history, our migrations, our intermingling or divisions with others and possibly our future as well. Main info-graphic shows the spread of Indo-European linguist roots, a spread of once an ancient group of people by historians dubbed as “Aryans“. This group has divided through history and migrations on many groups and nations all the way to our time today.

Dozen centuries ago during their migrations the Aryan group has divided onto Indo-Iranians which later formed modern nations or groups such as Iranians, Indians, Kurds and even extinct groups such as Sarmatians, Scynthians (later they merged into Slavs, see sarmatism) due to their military expansions towards Europe. The second group that continued their migration towards present day Europe formed European group of Indo-Europeans, these are to this day existing Germanic, Slavic, Baltic, Celtic and Romance people.

The Tree Of Languages

Photo: Minna Sundberg /

Just by looking at these language groups, their migrations and their history you will be able to understand our history and our geopolitical divisions that exist to this day. These maps hide the secret behind the ever-lasting conflict of Germanic and Slavic people from the time of Teutonic knights to WW2 and the German intention to Germanize all Indo-European branches (Slavs, Balts, Romance and Celts) proclaiming themselves to be the only and true ancient “Aryans”. These language maps could also give you a slight insight about everlasting instability between Kurds and Turks, why they don’t agree with each-other that well, because one group belongs to a Turkic language while Kurds are Indo-Europeans. These are those invisible and unnoticeable divisions that affect humans to this very day, for worse (wars and conflicts) or better (birth of cultures, art and human heritage). In short, our languages are the best mirror of our history and a possible window into the future so that we could understand that some things will never change.

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